1 Corinthians 13:1
“Though I speak with the tongues of mortals and angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clashing cymbal.”
What do you talk about?
They say small minds talk about people, average minds talk about things, or events, and great minds talk about ideas.
But how do you talk about yourself?
How much brain time do you spend on anxious thinking: “Did i say something stupid?” Or going over situations in your head, whether you did right, or should have done this or that, or said this or that, and on and on.
We judge ourselves constantly, and come up wanting, only as good as the last thing we accomplished. We’re always comparing, always striving, never good enough.
So I kinda think this scripture isn’t about being an annoying noise to other people so much as simply drowning out the voice of the divine speaking to you, which is love personified. If your head is full of negative self-talk, how can you hear the universe whisper its beautiful words of affirmation to you?
“you are complete in yourself”
How will you remember the confirmation of friends who tell you what they see in you?
“Your natural attributes are astounding.”
How can you connect with the creative in you, let the gifts you have flow freely to benefit your companions and community?
Love transforms that. Because you’re always going to be you, you weird, wonky, mess of human failing and potential. This will not change, because we will always fail, and never reach our potential all the way, but that’s where love comes in. The world will also seem to fail, and will never reach its full potential, but here’s the cool part, the belonging part, the part where you come in: we get to be co-creators of this story underlying everything. The deep-down, subversive stretch toward goodness and wholeness and peace that has been going on since the beginning, and continues to go even when it looks like it’s all falling apart.
Love lives. Love wins.
You too.